OpenBSD ports

The devel/kf6/kquickcharts port

kf6-kquickcharts-6.6.0 – QtQuick module providing high-performance charts


The Quick Charts module provides a set of charts that can be used from QtQuick
applications. They are intended to be used for both simple display of data as
well as continuous display of high-volume data (often referred to as plotters).
The charts use a system called distance fields for their accelerated rendering,
which provides ways of using the GPU for rendering 2D shapes without loss of

Only for arches
aarch64 aarch64 alpha amd64 amd64 arm arm hppa i386 i386 mips64 mips64 mips64el mips64el powerpc powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64 riscv64 riscv64 sparc64
devel devel/kf6

Library dependencies

Build dependencies

Run dependencies