OpenBSD ports

The misc/mmv port

mmv-1.01bp1 – move/copy/append/link multiple files with wildcards


This is mmv, a program to move/copy/append/link multiple files according
to a set of wildcard patterns. The wildcard matches can be reused in
forming the target names. You can i.e. move all *.c.or? files to
or?.new.*.c by saying

  $ mmv "*.c.or?"

The multiple action is performed safely, i.e. without any unexpected
deletion of files due to collisions of target names with existing
filenames or with other target names. Furthermore, before doing
anything, mmv attempts to detect any errors that would result from the
entire set of actions specified and gives the user the choice of either
aborting before beginning, or proceeding by avoiding the offending

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