OpenBSD ports

The net/ftpsesame port

ftpsesame-0.95p8 – automagic packet filter configurator for FTP


ftpsesame helps the FTP protocol get through your pf firewall. It does
this by passively analysing FTP control connections and adding rules
into a pf anchor when an FTP data connection is about to commence.

You might want to try ftpsesame instead of ftp-proxy(8) from the OpenBSD
base system for the following reasons: 
- it runs on "transparent" (no IP address) bridges 
- you do not want to redirect any traffic to the firewall itself: for IP
  accounting or other reasons 
- you want to pass traffic to multiple FTP servers behind a firewall

In general, ftpsesame is a good choice to run on a firewall in front of
multiple FTP servers, where no NAT is involved. ftp-proxy(8) is usually
the best choice when users behind NAT need to access FTP servers on the
Internet. In other situations it depends, sometimes they are useful


Library dependencies

Build dependencies

Run dependencies