The security/plaso port
plaso-20200717p4 – engine and tools to automate creation of super timeline
plaso is a Python-based framework for computer forensic analysis. It can read
files from many types of filesystem and volume image, has parsers for a huge
number of file types across multiple platforms, and tools to deal with this
information, in particular log2timeline which can use this to produce a single
correlated timeline from a system.
- Categories:
Library dependencies
Build dependencies
Run dependencies
- archivers/py-lz4,python3
- databases/py-redis,python3
- devel/py-bencode,python3
- devel/py-biplist,python3
- devel/py-cffi,python3
- devel/py-dateutil,python3
- devel/py-future,python3
- devel/py-parsing,python3
- devel/py-six,python3
- devel/py-tz,python3
- devel/py-xlsxwriter,python3
- lang/python/3
- net/py-zmq,python3
- security/libbde
- security/libewf
- security/py-artifacts,python3
- security/py-cryptography,python3
- security/py-dfdatetime,python3
- security/py-dfvfs,python3
- security/py-dfwinreg,python3
- security/py-pefile,python3
- security/yara/python,python3
- sysutils/libesedb
- sysutils/libevt
- sysutils/libevtx
- sysutils/libfsapfs
- sysutils/libfsntfs
- sysutils/libfvde
- sysutils/libfwnt
- sysutils/libfwsi
- sysutils/liblnk
- sysutils/libmsiecf
- sysutils/libolecf
- sysutils/libqcow
- sysutils/libregf
- sysutils/libscca
- sysutils/libsigscan
- sysutils/libsmdev
- sysutils/libsmraw
- sysutils/libvhdi
- sysutils/libvmdk
- sysutils/libvshadow
- sysutils/libvslvm
- sysutils/py-psutil,python3
- sysutils/py-tsk,python3
- textproc/py-chardet,python3
- textproc/py-defusedxml,python3
- textproc/py-yaml,python3
- www/py-requests,python3
- www/py-urllib3,python3