OpenBSD ports

The telephony/linphone/belle-sip port

belle-sip-5.3.89 – library implementing SIP (RFC3261) transport


Belle-sip is a modern library implementing SIP (RFC3261) transport, transaction
and dialog layers. It is written in C, with an object oriented API. It also
comprises a simple HTTP/HTTPS client implementation.

* RFC3261 compliant implementation of SIP parser, writer, transactions and
  dialog layers.
* SIP transaction state machines with lastest updates (RFC6026).
* fully asynchronous transport layer (UDP, TCP, TLS), comprising DNS resolver.
* full dual-stack IPv6 support (no AI_V4MAPPED on OpenBSD).
* automatic management of request refreshes with network disconnection
  resiliency thanks to the "refresher" object.

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Only for arches
aarch64 aarch64 alpha amd64 amd64 arm arm hppa i386 i386 mips64 mips64 mips64el mips64el powerpc powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64 riscv64 riscv64 sparc64

Library dependencies

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