OpenBSD ports

The textproc/libinih port

libinih-58 – simple .INI file parser in C


inih (INI Not Invented Here) is a simple .INI file parser written in C. It's
only a couple of pages of code, and it was designed to be small and simple, so
it's good for embedded systems. It's also more or less compatible with Python's
ConfigParser style of .INI files, including RFC 822-style multi-line syntax and
name: value entries.

Only for arches
aarch64 aarch64 alpha amd64 amd64 arm arm hppa i386 i386 mips64 mips64 mips64el mips64el powerpc powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64 riscv64 riscv64 sparc64
devel textproc

Library dependencies

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